
A former scholarship in Ms. Clarke's name for students of theater.
Who else on the Web has the name Caitlin Clarke.
On things about Caitlin Clarke that I cannot — or will not — display.
How this Web site about Ms. Clarke developed over the years.
The history and ancestry of Ms. Clarke, including who I thought was an ancestor.
Dragonslayer as the first (and only) major cinema role of Ms. Clarke.
Why it took so long for Dragonslayer to be released on DVD.
Caitlin Clarke gets her very own play — a decidely unflattering one.
On the preservation of the privacy of Ms. Clarke.
Caitlin Clarke's home town.
A very important contributor to modern Pittsburg history, even if he was not an ancestor of Ms. Clarke, as I once thought.
Caitlin Clarke's youngest sister and how she overshadowed Ms. Clarke.
How I was affected by watching some sword-and-sorcery film on HBO.